Service Offerings

Custom solutions for your needs

Energy Consultation

Professional advice that is tailored to your individual circumstances

Design & Commission

Expert designs are commissioned inline with SANS standards

Advanced Monitoring

All installations have a mobile App to allow ongoing monitoring of the system

Advice and Energy Consultation Services

We provide once-off or ongoing consulting services to help customers understand their energy requirements, behavior, and SSEG systems more comprehensively. We can also help troubleshoot issues on existing SSEG systems when they arise so that systems are maintained optimally and used to the best of their capability.

We make use of a five-step methodology:

1. Gather and analyze electricity consumption information
2. Discuss and understand future requirements
3. Design an encompassing solution
4. Implement renewable energy and / or automation solution
5. Optimize solution after a period of use
This methodology ensures that you get the most out of your system and it is optimized as far as possible.

Small-scale embedded generation (SSEG) installations

An EG (embedded generator) is an electrical generator that can connect and operate in parallel with the grid network. Any EG smaller than 1MVA (1000kVA) are defined as small scale embedded generators. In South Africa solar PV is the main technology type used as an SSEG, but wind, biogas electricity, hydro power and diesel generators connected to the grid are also forms of EG. After meeting the requirements of a residential or commercial property, the excess energy can be fed back into the power grid.
SSEG solutions involve the installation of:
Solar panels
-A solar panel is a device that converts sunlight into electricity by using photovoltaic (PV) cells.
-A power inverter is a power electronic device or circuitry that changes direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) and vice versa.
Energy storage system (optional)
-A device that stores energy is generally called an accumulator or battery.

Energy storage is the capture of energy produced at one time for use at a later time to reduce imbalances between energy demand and energy production. Typically, installations can run without an energy storage system, however with the impact of loadshedding in South Africa, it is highly advisable to install a system that would carry the demand during these periods.



Advanced Monitoring

“With power, comes responsibility” and with our customers having their own independent power plant, this adage has never been truer. For all our Inverter installations, we provide a mobile App to empower our customers with the information of how their power plant is operating.

One of the key benefits of having vast IT experience allow us to continuously development our own monitoring application. For more advanced consumers that feel they want a more in-depth experience in understanding their system, we have a custom written application that allows real-time and advanced statistics to be reported straight to your phone.

For the patrons that make use of our home-automation services, there are also features such as powering off lights automatically when loadshedding kicks in; or providing real-time consumption statistics on particular devices such kettles, stoves geysers etc.

All of these systems are customized, based on individual requirements; but have the same goals in mind:

·        Better understand our power consumption profile

·        Find the most optimal way to conserve electricity (and cost), without having to compromise on lifestyle

Automate and reduce the effort required to perform daily tasks such as opening and closing curtains, switching outdoor lights on and off etc.